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Important Date



Call for Abstract and Registration



​Deadline for  Special Session



Deadline for Abstract Submission


Notification of Acceptance



Detail of Program 



Instruction for presentations


簡報語言可為英文和中文(應與註冊時所選擇之語言一致,若有更改請通知秘書處)。 每個口頭報告大約分配 15 分鐘,其中最後 3 分鐘用於提問和討論。

簡報者應在會議開始前 10 分鐘進入會議廳,並向會議主席或工作人員報到。

用於播放的PPT簡報應在會議開始前的休息時間,上傳到各分會場指定的電腦中。 建議簡報者在上傳文件時檢查公式/動畫是否正確顯示。

The official language of the Symposium is English and Chinese.  Each oral presentation is allocated for approximately 15 minutes, of which the last 3 minutes shall be used for questions, discussions and change over.
Presenters should be in the session room 10 minutes before the session begins, in order to meet with the session chair; who should be near the stage/lectern.  
PPT slides for presentations shall be uploaded to the designated computer in each session room during the break before the session starts.  Presenters are advised, when uploading their presentation, to check if the formulas/animations are shown correctly.  


對於會議海報的尺寸應為 594 mm(寬)x 841 mm(高),以縱向格式分配(範例)。

海報應在特定海報會議的指定時間展示。 作者被邀請在每次會議休息期間站在他們的海報旁邊,並且必須在指定的海報會議期間出現在他們的海報前。

請準備一個簡短的說明,您可以在整個海報會議期間定期向聚集在您的海報展台周圍的觀眾進行說明。 如果可能,共同作者可以參加會議以幫助說明和討論。

至少有一個海報作者完全註冊才有資格張貼海報。 一名完全註冊的參與者只允許張貼一張海報。

For each paper accepted to the poster session, the poster should be a dimension of 594 mm (width) x 841 mm (height), in portrait format is assigned (Template).

Posters shall be on display during the designated time of the specific poster session.  Authors are invited to be on stand-by side of their posters during each session breaks and must be present at their poster during the designated period for poster session.  

Please prepare a short presentation (about 5 to 10 minutes), which you may periodically give to audients assembled around your poster stand throughout the poster session.  If possible, more than one author may attend the session to aid in presentations and discussions, and to provide the presenters with the chance to rest or briefly view other posters. 

One, at least, of the poster co-authors should be completely registered to be eligible for each poster.  One fully registered participant is simply allowed for no more than two posters.

Instruction for presentation

Special Sessions

  1. 特別會議可能涉及一個或多個領域,但應在統一主題下組織。 特別會議旨在其他作者展示符合特別會議主題的研究成果。特別會議論文應由特別會議組織者審查。 這些論文將成為會議論文集的一部分。
    Special Sessions may address one or more Tracks, but they should be organized under a unified theme.  Special Sessions are intended to allow projects or any other group of authors to present their own work.

  2. 特別會議提案應通過以下特定模板提交。 提案人應在2021年4月15日之前以英文或中文提供有關標題,提案人和摘要等資料。
    Special Sessions papers should be reviewed by the Special Sessions organizers.  These papers will be part of the Conference Proceedings.

  1. 應用無人機系統於環境監測
    Applications of UAS for Environmental Monitoring

  2. 水文、水質與泥砂模擬與預測的進展
    Advances in Hydrology, Water Quality, and Sediment Simulation Modelling and Prediction

  3. 海事遠端遙測之應用
    Applications of Maritime Remote Sensing

  4. 氣候變遷對台灣坡地與淡水生態的影響
    Impacts of climate change on hill and freshwater ecosystems in Taiwan

  5. 岸基海洋雷達的技術發展與應用
    Development and Applications of Coastal Marine Radar

  6. 災害風險和氣候變遷調適以建構韌性社會
    Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation to Build Resilient Societies

  7. 地理空間技術在減少災害和環境風險中的角色
    Roles of geospatial technology in reducing disaster and environmental risks

  8. 離岸風電海洋能源及河海災防之進展
    Progress on Offshore Wind Power and Marine Energy & Riverine and Coastal Disaster Prevention

Call for Special Sessions
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