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Tropical Hotel Room


Hotel Discount


Dongxu Resort Hotel


飯店專案提供 Discount from Hotel:

  • 經典海景雙人房 特約價:2200元;公務人員優惠價:2000元

  • Double Room with Sea View, Special price: NT$2200; Discounted price for public servants: NT$2000

  • 經典海景四人房 特約價:2900元

  • Quadruple Room with Sea View, Special price: NT$2900


訂房專線Reservation hotline:+886-982-006-253 Mr. Liao


  1. 訂房時請告知為本次會議與會者,方得享受特約價。When making a reservation, please inform the identity of participating in this conference to enjoy the special price.

  2. 請於入住時提供與會證明(如:會議繳費收據或匯款證明影本)Please provide proof of attending the conference when check-ins, such as a copy of the conference payment receipt or remittance proof.

  3. 公務人員優惠價為有公務人員身分或東華大學該校教職人員適用,請於訂房及入住時出示相關識別證即可。The discounted price for civil servants applies to those who are civil servants. Please show the relevant identification card when booking and checking in.




Daily shuttle bus timetable (tentatively)

Aug 30 (Day1):

往東華 From Hualien to NDHU

8:15 東旭觀海酒店 Dongxu Resort Hotel >

8:30 花蓮火車站西出口 Hualien Train Station West Exit >

9:10 東華大學環境學院 NDHU College of Environmental Studies


往酒店From NDHU to Hualien

17:30 東華大學環境學院 NDHU College of Environmental Studies >

18:00 東旭觀海酒店 Dongxu Resort Hotel >
18:30 花蓮火車站西出口 Hualien Train Station West Exit


Aug 31 (Day2):

往東華 From Hualien to NDHU

8:00 東旭觀海酒店 Dongxu Resort Hotel >

8:30 花蓮火車站西出口 Hualien Train Station West Exit >

9:00 東華大學環境學院 NDHU College of Environmental Studies

往酒店 From NDHU to Hualien

17:30 東華大學環境學院 NDHU College of Environmental Studies >

18:15 Hualien Train Station West Exit>

18:30 東旭觀海酒店 Dongxu Resort Hotel

​如何到東華詳細地圖 How to go to NDHU

**Do not ride motorcycles into the NDHU campus, please take our shuttle bus or public transportation.

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