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Applications of UAS for Environmental Monitoring

柳文成 特聘教授兼副校長 -  國立聯合大學土木與防災工程學系
Wen-Cheng Liu,  - Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, ​National United University

無人機系統(UAS)亦稱為無人飛行器(UAV)、遙控飛機系統(RPAS)或無人機,最近已成為環境監測和管理的新盟友,如水文、洪水、滑坡、地震、火災、水污染物及許多其他自然和人為災害。此系統還廣泛應用於林業、精準農業、建築、野生動物、工程建設等領域。儘管最初設計用於支持軍事行動,但 UAS 的民用及科學應用近年來引起了越來越多的關注,其商業、政府和業餘用途也日異增加。本專題期望能匯集UAS環境監測應用相關的論文。
The unmanned aerial systems (UAS) known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) or drones, have recently emerged as new equipments in environmental monitoring and management such as hydrology, flooding, landslide, earthquake, fire, water pollutant and many others natural and man-made disasters. The systems also widely utilized in forestry, precise agriculture, architecture, wildlife, engineering and construction, and so on. Although initially devised to support military operations, the civilian and scientific applications of UAS have attracted increasing attention in recent years, experiencing great growth in their commercial, governmental and amateur use. This special session expects to collect papers related to applications of UAS for environmental monitoring.


Advances in Hydrology, Water Quality, and Sediment Simulation Modelling and Prediction


柳文成 特聘教授兼副校長 -  國立聯合大學土木與防災工程學系

Wen-Cheng Liu, Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, ​National United University


Surface water bodies provide crucial and valuable resources for water supply, ecological service, recreation, and other useful functions. Because of rapid economic development, population expansion, and land use change resulting in excessive point and nonpoint source pollutants discharged, surface water bodies were subject to serious deterioration on water quality. Therefore the numerical model becomes an important tool to resolve the spatiotemporal variations in water quality and sediment transport and can be utilized for water quality prediction and management. This special session for hydrology, water quality, and sediment simulation modelling will focus on the surface water bodies which include watersheds, lakes, rivers/streams, tidal estuaries, and coastal areas.


Applications of Maritime Remote Sensing

李明安 特聘教授兼副校長 國立臺灣海洋大學 環境生物與漁業科學學系

Ming-An Lee, Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science, National Taiwan Ocean University

高聖龍 教授兼智航中心主任 國立臺灣海洋大學 運輸科學系

Sheng-Long Kao, Department of Transportation Science, National Taiwan Ocean University

許泰文 講座教授兼校長 國立臺灣海洋大學 河海工程學系

Tai-Wen Hsu, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University


Now, the applications of Remote Sensing in Maritime technology following the rapid development of 5G communication systems, AIS CubeSat, wind farm green energy, Internet of Things, and Maritime Supply Chains, therefore, the Remote Sensing technology has become more and more important to people's daily lives. In addition to improving the convenience of global communication, the advanced development of Maritime Remote Sensing application of terminal telemetry combined with Geographic Information System is becoming more and more important, and the time is very well now. Through the establishment of technical capacity for space management and decision support, the tentacles extend from the sea to space and propose strategies and strategies for the close integration of industry, government, and academia for Maritime resources, Marine information, Green Energy, Energy Storage, Navigation Safety, disaster relief, and disaster prevention.

Inspired by the establishment of a Maritime Big data palace sharing system, it is expected to reduce natural or man-made maritime disasters, prevent disasters in peacetime and provide disaster relief, extend the experiences to Military and National Security operations, and combine the achievements of private business and academic professions to promote our country's maritime industry. This topic expects to bring together papers related to maritime Spatial Remote Sensing applications.


Impacts of climate change on hill and freshwater ecosystems in Taiwan


廖德裕 教授 國立中山大學 海洋科學系

Te-Yu Liao, Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-sen University

李光敦  特聘教授兼研發長 國立臺灣海洋大學 河海工程學系

Kwan-Tun Lee, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University


The dynamics of nature is regulated by climate that facilitates the balances of materials, such as water and nutrients, of ecosystems. Climate change that is caused mostly by human development in nowadays has broad impacts on ecosystems in a variety of ways. For example, temperature rising may drive both temperate and tropical species to migrate to higher latitudes and/or altitudes; lack of precipitations may delay or stop migration of amphidromous animals, which may further result in shortage of prey for some predators. Stresses, such as drought, due to climate change may exert impacts not on species in the wild but also human ourselves as we all know that drought has great impacts on freshwater ecosystem and influences on our daily life and economic activities. The hill and freshwater ecosystems have long been threatened by human activities such as competitions for resources of space and water. Impacts of climate change have been broadly estimated in terms of various aspects, but the impacts to hill and freshwater ecosystems are not well studied in Taiwan although their biodiversity are highly threatened by human activities. In this section, we invite presentations of hill and/or freshwater ecosystems aimed to the topics of climate change, ecosystem services, long-term observation of ecosystems, and impacts to ecosystems by human activities. This section will bring better insight into the influences of climate change on the ecosystems of hill and freshwaters.


Development and Applications of Coastal Marine Radar


錢樺 特聘教授兼地科前瞻中心主任 國立中央大學 水文與海洋科學研究所

Hwa Chien, Inst. Hydrological & Oceanic Sciences, National Central University

賴堅戊 研究員 國家海洋研究院 海洋產業及工程研究中心

Jian-Wu Lai, Marine Industry and Engineering Research Center, National Academy of Marine Research

海洋雷達主要分為微波與高頻雷達,應用於EEZ大範圍的海洋空間場域高解析精度即時監測,系統成本低廉、維護容易,並可不分日夜提供廣大海域高解析度的即時海洋環境資訊,是一種具高度發展潛力的遙測技術。近年來因海洋能、離岸風電、航運、專屬經濟海域監視與海洋工程快速發展,以及海洋科學界對於中小尺度海洋過程現象與致災海洋系統之結構與演變愈加關注,使海洋雷達的資料需求日益殷切,各國建置監測站網已超過440座。台灣自2010年也已經建置超過30座高頻雷達站。本專題針對 (1) 作業化運作回顧檢討、(2)最新資料分析技術與演算法發展、(3)海氣象過程與現象研究、(4)前瞻技術展望等主題,邀請海洋雷達科學與工程社群分享研究成果,促進交流與合作。

Marine radar is mainly divided into microwave and high-frequency radar, which can be applied to the EEZ real-time surveillance and monitoring with high resolution and accuracy. The system is low-cost, easy to maintain, and can provide high-resolution real-time marine environmental information in a wide range of sea areas day and night. In recent years, due to the rapid development of oceanic renewable energy, offshore wind power industry, shipping, and marine engineering, as well as the ocean science community's increasing concern about the structure and evolution of sub-mesoscale processes and disaster-causing met-ocean systems, the demand for marine radar data has become increasingly keen. More than 440 radar stations have been built in various countries. Taiwan has also built more than 30 high-frequency radar stations since 2010. In this session, we invite the marine radar science and engineering community to share their research results and promote communication and cooperation by focusing on (1) review of operational operations, (2) recent development of data analysis techniques and algorithms, (3) scientific studies oceanic processes and phenomena, and (4) prospective technology.


Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation to Build Resilient Societies


賴進松​ 教授 國立台灣大學水工試驗所

Jihn-Sung Lai, Hydrotech Research Institute, National Taiwan University 

柳文成 特聘教授兼副校長 國立聯合大學土木與防災工程學系

Wen-Cheng Liu,  - Department of Civil and Disaster Prevention Engineering, ​National United University

全世界每年有數百萬人受到極端災害影響。洪水、崩坍、土石流等極端災害頻繁發生,造成人命傷亡和財產損失。環境變化常由氣候變遷所影響驅動,致使生態系統變得更加脆弱,從而增加了災害的規模和頻率。 如何運用預測和監測之預警系統及評估分析降低災害風險極具挑戰性,並應考量採取調適行動應對未來自然災害威脅,以減少脆弱性並建構韌性社會至關重要。 本次會議分組目的乃討論災害風險和氣候變遷調適以建構韌性社會的相關主題。

Millions of people are affected each year worldwide due to extreme weather disasters. Extreme weather disasters such as floods, landslides, debris flow, etc., frequently cause life and damage loss. Warning systems integrated by forecasting and monitoring are always challenging tasks to mitigate the damages. Environmental changes are driven by climate change, and unsustainable exploitation of the earth’s resources render many people and ecosystems ever more vulnerable, thus increasing the scale and frequency of hazards. In the efforts to take countermeasures with adaptation actions against the threats by future natural disasters, assessing and reducing risk are crucial for emergency responses to minimize vulnerabilities and to build resilient societies. This session aims to provide a forum to discuss various topics in disaster reduction and climate change adaptation.


Roles of geospatial technology in reducing disaster and environmental risks


Takashi Oguchi​, Center for Spatial Information Science,  The University of Tokyo.

劉說安 特聘教授 國立中央大學 太空及遙測研究中心

Yuei-An Liou, Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University

黃誌川 教授兼系主任 國立台灣大學 地理環境資源學系

Jr-Chuan Huang, Department of Geography, National Taiwan University

This session discusses how geospatial technology including remote sensing and geographic information systems contributes to the reduction of disaster and environmental risks. In disaster-prone regions like Taiwan and Japan, people face various natural hazards such as ground shaking and tsunamis due to earthquakes, as well as floods, landslides, and debris flows due to heavy rainfall. The latter is expected to intensify in the near future because global warming will increase extreme weather events. Global warming will also lead to environmental deterioration in many places. To reduce future disaster and environmental risks, geospatial technology should be effectively utilized. This session deals with a wide range of relevant topics including the outcomes of various application studies. This session is co-organized by the Commission on Hazard and Risk of IGU (International Geographical Union).


Progress on Offshore Wind Power and Marine Energy & Riverine and Coastal Disaster Prevention


楊智傑 副教授 國立臺灣海洋大學 海洋環境資訊系

Chih-Chieh YoungDepartment of Marine Environmental Informatics/Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University

蔡加正 教授兼主任 國立臺灣海洋大學 海洋工程科技學士學位學程 海洋工程科技中心

Chia-Cheng Tsai, Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Engineering and Technology/Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University

許泰文 講座教授兼校長 國立臺灣海洋大學 河海工程學系

Tai-Wen Hsu, Department of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University


  1. 數值模式的開發與應用;

  2. 人工智慧與深度學習之應用;

  3. 風機安全及耐久性與腐蝕性研究;

  4. 風機基礎淘刷模擬與穩定性評估;

  5. 海洋牧場規劃與應用;

  6. 離岸風機海域之航道規劃;

  7. 考慮海岸溢淹、地層下陷與海岸侵蝕之危險度與脆弱度評估;預報與預警系統開發

Taiwan is facing two critical issues nowadays. The first one is the challenge of energy shortage and the other is increased riverine and coastal disasters (in terms of intensity and frequency) owing to global changes. The purpose of this session is to share recent research progress and results by Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, NTOU with the main focus on key technology in "Offshore Wind Power and Marine Energy" and "Riverine and Coastal Disaster Prevention". The topics include

  1. Developments and applications of numerical models;

  2. Applications of artificial intelligence and deep learning;

  3. Wind turbine safety and durability evaluation;

  4. Simulations of scour for foundation stability assessment of offshore wind farms;

  5. Planning of the marine ranches;

  6. Planning of shipping channels in the offshore wind farm;

  7. Risk and vulnerability assessment with consideration of flooding, land subsidence, and coastal erosion;

  8. Developments of forecast and early warning systems.

Special Sessin Title
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